Sunday, November 1, 2009

Secondary vs Second Degree.

Today at church, in Relief Society, our lesson was on Anger. Our RS Pres, Abby gave a great lesson, and everyone in the room participated. She discussed how Anger is a secondary emotion, and although she's not saying you can be perfect and never experience Anger, that we can choose to control our anger. It was a great lesson, especially for Kalli.
Kalli comments in class about how she wanted to wear this dress to church today. So she ironed it, got it all nice and prepped to wear, then set it on the floor so she could finish putting on her makeup in the bathroom.

When she come back in the room and puts on the dress, she starts sniffing the air, thinking, "Man, something really stinks!"

She smells the armpits of the dress. They're fine. she smells all around, and suddenly sticks her nose into a patch of cat pee on her dress!

She flips out and and starts yelling. Those dag nab cats peed on her dress! Nobody even likes cats in the family except for little 8 year old Jamie.

Jamie comes flying in the room, defending the cats.

Jamie: KALLI! Don't yell at the cats! Don't yell at Timmy!

Kalli: GET OUT!

Jamie: He didn't pee on your dress!


Jamie: NO HE DIDN'T! You peed on your dress!

(hahaha can you imagine Kalli squatting over her dress, peeing on it!?)

Jamie goes flying out of the room crying. Kalli is irate.

Needless to say, Kalli commented in Relief society about how she should have been slower to anger. After Church Kalli and I are driving home in the car, discussing the lesson. She really liked how Abby said that anger is a Secondary emotion. The conversation goes as followed.

Kalli: That was such a coincidence that the lesson was on Anger! I love how Abby was discussing how anger is a "Second Degree" emotion.

Bobbi:-(puzzled expression) A what?

Kalli: Anger is a "Second Degree" emotion.

Bobbi: Hmmm. What's the "First Degree"?

Kalli: (Puzzled expression on her face)

Bobbi: Did you mean Secondary?

GO KALLI! Oh man, I was crackin up. What a day.

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