Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall, Fall, and Fall.

I love Fall. It's the last stretch of happiness and sunshine before the dreary winter months. Fall has the perfect temperature (70's), The leaves are changing colors. I love the Reds, the yellows, the oranges, and browns. I love hiking in the Fall, I just plain old love the fall, in every essence of the word. I also love that Emily Buffington loves Fall, and loves to fall......

Last week Emily and I were taking a hike up the gorgeous fall colored Adams Canyon hiking trail. We didn't have alot of time, cause her little boy Max was in preschool for only 2 hrs. So we were trying (keyword trying) to run up alot of the trail...when I say alot, we maybe ran 1/8th of a mile up the almost 2 mile one way hike. Ha,'s hard ok!

But, we are tough and would like to think we're in good shape, so we did run down the mountain....

Down the mountain we go, getting through all the rough and rocky terrain at top speed, jumping and dodging over rocks, boulders, tree roots, branches, and other foreign objects -(like pinecones)-. We safely and without error make our way down steep terrain, confident, and sure we are going to make it back to pick up Max on time.

After the rough part is over, I start to slow down (I'm in the front), and I turn my head to speak to Emily, she's slowing down too. We're on a shallow hill, and the terrain is smoothing out, into nice even dirt. We've slowed to a safe trot, almost a speed walk, when out of nowhere a five inch rock snatches the front of Emily's shoe. I turn my head towards her right as I see her kick the rock.... Ha, and sssslllllllooooowwwwwllllllyyy, ever so slowly every inch of her body sprawls out across the dirt, (keep in mind we're still on a slight hill) her head landing just centimeters from another rock. Don't worry, it was much to slow motion to cause head injury, so I found it completely appropriate to suppress my laughter for about 0.05 seconds (just to make sure she didn't hit her head.) I looked at the pitiful sight below me. This poor woman had dirt spread across her body from toe to head, a cut knee and hip, dirt plastered on her face. She slowly pushes herself up with her arms so that she's sitting on her side, looks at me, and gets a big old grin/smirk on her face!


I erupt in laughter. I can't stop. She's all messed up laying in the dirt, smiling, all bright eyed and bushy tailed! Of all the places to fall! She chooses this nice baby dirt hill.

She gets up, doesn't even brush herself off, and starts running again. (what a sheera!)

I'm behind her, I can't see straight. I'm laughing so hysterically, that I'm crying, and about to wet my pants.

We keep running, I keep laughing, and we finally get to the ending part of the trail, the switchbacks... We're running down, and the wind starts picking up, so we have to squint our eyes to see. Sand is being hurled at our faces. Out of nowhere, I hear this snort. No, no. Not the laughing sort of snort. It was the "I'm about to hock a lewgy" snort. I squint my eyes towards Emily in disbelief. She's in front of me, her head throws back, and she's tilting it to the side to spit something nasty out of her mouth. (keep in mind the wind is blowing really hard and I am only maybe 1.5 feet behind her!) I start to panic, but have no time to dodge the inevitable. She spits it out, the wind picks it up, and I barley dodge the goop ball coming towards me.
Emily stops in horror, realizing what she's done. Turns towards me. My eyes are bugging out of my head, as I stare at her with the expression that says "oh no you didn't just do that". Her hands cover her mouth. I scream and tell her it got on me (just to play along). She's laughing her heart out, because she believes me. Maybe she spit cause she was trying to get me back for laughing at her? haha, I finally let out the truth, we calm down enough to walk straight, and we merrily make our way to get Max.

Two days later we're out for another Jog. Low and behold, in the middle of the sidewalk, somebody cut down one of those signs that say railroad crossing on them, so that what was left was a 2 inch metal stub cemented into the ground. Emily and I are talking and laughing at the bruises she got from the hike, when she kicks the stub, flys forward, can't catch her feet, and sprawls out on across sidewalk! I couldn't help it, I felt like such a jerk, but I laughed again! Poor gal needs to look where she's going!

Oh the adventures of Bobbi and Emily... They never end :)


  1. I don't think any one has ever laughed so hard at one of my many falls. You deserved the goop ball!

  2. What are you going to blog about without Emily. Hopefully you have some clumsy companions. Since I am such a gracefull log flipper.
