Saturday, October 24, 2009

Holy Moley! - Marshmallow's Anyone?

It was my Aunt Pams birthday a few days ago, and the discussion got opened about embarrassing zits.

We all know those little zitters don't just go away after you turn no. We go into adulthood, believing we've left our acne faced adolescence behind...but on a monthly basis, those little (and big) goobs come around to show us who's boss. They come unannounced, and then go as they please. Taking no thought as to if they were invited. It's not just like they pop up to visit in convenient places either. IE- your chin line, or hair line. Easily coverup-able area's. No. They come out on in the most highly visable places on your face. Like, for instance, on the tip of your nose.

Common terms for these unwelcomed ~zits on steroids~ are: "Rudolf" - "My Third Eye"
I've also heard them referred to as -"My Friend Jessica came to visit".

In this case, you know you'll be getting those, "I'm trying to look you straight in the eye, but my eyes won't peel away from that nasty huge zit" looks from every conversationalist you encounter.

Needless to say, once upon a time, many months ago, I watched Oprah Windfrey. In this particular show, she offered what I thought was a wonderful suggestion.

She says, when you have those ugly blemishes, play them off! Color them in as if they were a mole!

She then goes through a series of pictures on "How to Cover your blemish so it looks like a mole"

I get so excited! I already have a plethora of moles on my face, what will one more add?

I was at my grandmothers house in Afton, Wyoming at the time, and it just so happens that I have "a big one" on the right side of my face, between my mouth and nose. It was one of those, "I'm so big, you can't not stare" goobers.

I put Oprah to the test. I found a brown eye pencil, and I colored her in.

IT LOOKED FABULOUS! I felt like Cindy Crawford!

I went to church that day, feeling confident, strutting my stuff. Nobody would know it wasn't a mole!

Church ended, I went back to my grandma's.

My cousin Ben, and his brand new wife, (this was my second time meeting her) Kara, came to dinner that night. So it was my grandparents, Ben, Kara, and myself eating.
I cheerfully and confidently look at Ben, with a huge old grin on my face, The conversation goes as followed.

Bobbi: Hey Ben!
Ben: Hey Bobbi!
Bobbi: (excitedly, I turn my head to the side, and thrust my face closer to Bens eyes so he can have a closer look.) Does this look like a MOLE!?!
Ben: (awkwardly)- Uhhhh? Ahem, Uhhhh, (getting really uncomfortable) N, nn, no?
Bobbi: (loosing some confidence, I sink into my chair) Oh. Really? Well it's not, it's just been a long day and the makeup has probably worn off.
Ben: (Silently shifts his horror stricken face down towards his food, and won't look up at me as he tries to change the subject)
Bobbi: (Disappointed, shrugs it off and continues eating)

Dinner ends, and we continue to chat and laugh about old times like cousins do. Ben never looks at me for more than a few seconds at a time. I think nothing of it.
Conversation dies, and I decide I need to use the restroom.
I do my business, and I'm washing my hands when I look up in the mirror. My jaw drops, I back away from the mirror. Bringing my hands to my face in shock. I shake my head in disbelief, and then erupt in laughter. My "mole" didn't look like a mole at all! It had transformed into a BIG HUGE WHITE HEAD! Not just a little "Peek a boo! I'm coming out!" White Head. It was a "HEY YOU, Yeah YOU! Don't pretend your not looking, I'm HUGE" White Head. I might as well of had one of the mini marshmallows chillin on my face.

Poor country boy Ben! He was trying to be so polite... and I just shoved my face into his. He was probably scared the gooby was going to burst all over him! -Marshmallows anyone?

Needless to say. If you periodically glance in the mirror to make sure you don't have a nasty gooby whitehead popping out, I think, covering your blemishes with eyeliner is a great solution!

What do you think?

It's working right?

Holy Moley-Oprah, you've done it again!


  1. Why Bobbi? Why? I will never be able to eat a marshmallow again! Why are you so funny????? Love you!

  2. Me and Brody are sitting here laughing hysterically. You are way too funny for your own good. We are officially bobbisworld fans for life! We love you!

  3. Nice post - pictures of moles ..Keep Posting

    pictures of moles
